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Empower Students to Improve Communities

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Wellness Education

Health education is the systematic exploration of the disciplines of health, family and consumer sciences and physical education. Through health education, the Cohasset Middle-High School helps students understand and demonstrate the responsibility they share as individuals, family members, and citizens, and to act in ways that enhance health for themselves and others, both now and in the future.  Through grade level and age appropriatte study, the health curricula explore topics that encourage our students to develop life-long habits for good health.  Units include nutrition, alcohol and drug awareness, peer relationships, and body systems.  Each student and parent/caregiver is provided with a course overview at the start of the class and teachers always share information with parents/caregivers if a sensitive topic is going to be studied.  


Deborah Beal

Deborah Beal

Michael Pimental

Michael Pimental
